From my childhood I have been attracted towards various textures of nature. Textures evolving on the sands at the sea shore and river banks, the tracks left by various creatures returning to water after tide, or the colours on the rocks jutting out of water, all have enraptured me. When sculpting, I tried to create by using jute, wire netting, bark of a tree and various other materials over clay and a magical effect used to be created. When painting, I try to create these effects using fingers, funner, knife, comb and other daily use articles. It is said Henry Moore used to keep his sculptures in seawater for sometime, so that some natural colours and textures could be created on them. It is really mesmerizing to observe the textures during or after the rains. Especially on the walls the plaster on the wall, some chipped and rough, and wonderful colours emerge on them due to the moss, which in combination with the wall colour, creates some unbelievable effects. If there is some writing, some graffiti or some thing scratched on the wall, then some washed colours and moss create unique beauty in them. Gaitonde used to say “My paintings are plain and texture, nothing more”, I call it “Textures of my inner mind”.